Category: Maintenance

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We found 4 products available for you


Annual Maintenance Contract for E-commerce Websites

1 year package for maintenance of your e-commerce online business. We will be functioning as your integrated IT solutions provider. You will get up to 10 product or service per week and coverage for all technical problems and recommended updates.

Duration: 365 Days



Annual Maintenance Contract for Regular Websites

1 Year package for maintenance of website and related services. We will be functioning as your integrated IT solutions provider. You will get coverage for all technical problems and recommended updates.

Duration: 365 Days



Hourly Contract – 100 hours per year

Get a 100 hours package valid for one year and pay only 16$ per hour. Work includes all kinds of maintenance, troubleshooting, graphic design, product upload, updating and upgrading.

Duration: 365 Days



Hourly Contract – 200 hours per year

Get a 200 hours package valid for one year and pay only 15$ per hour. Work includes all kinds of maintenance, troubleshooting, graphic design, product upload, updating and upgrading.

Duration: 365 Days
