Refund Policy

Refund Policy is dedicated to provide you quality services above anything else. However, you might still want to request a refund in rare and special circumstances. 

In case you want to request for a refund, please note the following;

  • If you are looking for a refundable service, please get in touch with us to receive a custom quote.
    • All products and services purchased from our online Shop page are non-refundable by default.
    • If you wish to receive a refund for any specific reason, please get in touch with us. This will be the only way of requesting a refund. In most cases, refund requests are accommodated conditioned TekTurkey team has not already done considerable amount of work on your project.
    • For all custom projects and services, the refund policy will depend on the agreement made specific to that project. Please refer to your documents and initial conversations to understand possibilities of a refund before getting in touch with us.
    • In the unlikely case of making a payment to us by mistake, please get in touch with us within 7 days for your payment to be fully refunded.
    • must be informed of payments made in error immediately. We reserve the right to deduct the bank, the payment gateway and our own processing fees to cover our own cost. The total amount deductible depends on many variables including currency and amount paid.